‘Chains’ is based on writer AK Srikanth’s trilogy – a story that carries with it the intensity of a tempest. It is almost impossible to emerge unaffected by his story – it is as though he has held up a mirror in front of us that forces us to see what is, rather than what we think is. When Savitha, acclaimed as the ‘renaissance architect of Bharathanatyam’, delivers the raging, tumultuous tale of bondage with her grace and lucidity, the effect is a visual epiphany. She brings the art alive for even an audience that is uninterested in the classical Indian dance forms. The experience is accentuated by the musical score of Rajkumar Bharathi, ebbing and flowing magnificently with the narrative. The lush soundscape with over a hundred tracks of music, that echoes every nuance of the character in the story, will leave the audience dazzled. The magical chemistry of the story and dance is also brought alive by the vibrancy of the costumes and the technology of lights. ‘Chains’ is an experience in art and life. One that cannot be forgotten.